KPMG LLP – Manchester

KPMG LLP – Manchester

• PE-backed metering company – design and implementation of management incentive plan

Worked alongside legal team to design and implement a post-PE investment equity and debt strip for 17 strong management team, including deferred bonus investment. Included share capital structure across multi-jurisdiction holding company structure, Entrepreneurs’ Relief planning, multiple presentations to management and liaison with PE house advisors and lawyers

• Discount retail group – multi equity class reorganisation, turnaround situation

Designed and implemented a new management equity structure including multiple growth and ratchet share classes and minority PE backer. Worked alongside tax valuation specialists to successfully implement Employee Shareholder Status acquisitions with no upfront income tax charges.

• Nuclear industry business – EMI and unapproved option plans

Implemented an exit-focussed EMI plan for board level executives in a privately owned business. Supported the business to introduce new company lawyers. Retained as trusted, specialist advisor following transaction.

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